

If you require any more information or have any questions about our site’s disclaimer, please feel free to contact us.

Bebimine makes no guarantees, representations, or warranties of any kind as regards the website and associated technology. Any purportedly applicable warranties, terms, and conditions are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Your use of the Service is at your sole risk. The Service is provided on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. The Service is provided without warranties of any kind.

You agree that from time to time, we may remove the Service for indefinite periods of time or cancel the Service at any time, without notice to you. You expressly agree that your use of, or inability to use, the Service is at your sole risk

For no situation will Bebimine, our chiefs, officials, representatives, associates, operators, contractual workers, assistants, providers, specialist co-ops or licensors be obligated for any injury, misfortune, guarantee, or any immediate, circuitous, accidental, reformatory, exceptional, or noteworthy harms of any sort, including, without restriction lost benefits, lost income, lost investment funds, loss of information, substitution costs, or any comparative harms, regardless of whether situated in contract, tort (counting carelessness), severe risk or something else, emerging from your utilization of any of the administration or any items obtained utilizing the administration, or for some other case related in any capacity to your utilization of the administration or any item, including, however not constrained to, any mistakes or oversights in any substance, or any misfortune or harm of any sort brought about because of the utilization of the administration of any substance (or item) posted, transmitted.

In any case, made accessible by means of the administration, regardless of whether instructed concerning their chance. Since certain states or wards don’t permit the prohibition or the restriction of risk for important or accidental harms, in such states or locales, our obligation will be constrained to the greatest degree allowed by law.


Due to variations in monitor settings, Bebimine assumes no responsibility and makes no guarantees regarding color matches of product or production, either within an order or in a reorder. We cannot guarantee that the colors displayed on our website will exactly match the color of the product or elements of any design. If you have any questions about a particular color or shade, please contact us prior to ordering for clarification.

Note that like-named colors used by various apparel manufacturers/brands/styles (i.e., Navy, Navy Blue, Dark Navy, etc.) are not necessarily an exact shade match to each other or to any of the Bebimine Thread Guide options.

We make no warranty or guarantee regarding the consistency, color, texture, or appearance of the actual apparel due to the nature of apparel manufacturing. Apparel fabric colors displayed online are approximate and may vary in color, hue, and tone, particularly between size groups. The colors of fabrics displayed on computer monitors may vary due to differences in computer monitors, resolution, color, tone, or any other display setting.

Please be also aware that when you leave our website, other sites may have different privacy policies and terms that are beyond our control. Please be sure to check the Privacy Policies of these sites as well as their “Terms and conditions” before engaging in any business or uploading any information.

Limitation of warranties

The information on this website is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties; express or implied Bebimine makes no representations or warranties.

  • Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing paragraph, Bebimine does not warrant that:
  • The information regarding Services on this website will be constantly available or available at all.
  • The information on this website is complete regarding Different Services, true, accurate, up-to-date, or non-misleading.


By using our website, you hereby consent to our disclaimer and agree to its terms.

This document was last updated on March 16, 2022